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Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 13(1): 24-30, jan.-fev. 2009. graf, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-508836


OBJETIVOS: Investigar as implicações da lipoclasia dermossônica (LCD), lipólise do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo induzido por ultrassom (US), no metabolismo energético e na composição corporal de ratos saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 20 ratos Wistar saudáveis, com 4 meses de idade, pesando ±380g, divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos: 1) controle-sham (CS), 2) terapia ultrassônica de baixa intensidade (TUSBI). Durante 10 dias, após sedação (halotano-3 por cento vaporizado), os animais eram submetidos à TUSBI (I SATA=3MHz,, modo pulsado 2:8ms, ciclo de 30 por cento por 3 minutos) em região infra-abdominal e inguinal. Medidas de peso, comprimento naso-anal e parâmetros metabólicos (ingestão e excreção) foram controlados durante o estudo. Ao final do tratamento, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para dosagens bioquímicas, e então avaliadas adiposidades retroperitoneal (RET), perirenal (PR), epididimal (EP) e inguinal (ING). O HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment) foi calculado para estimar resistência insulínica (RI). Para análise estatística, utilizou-se ANOVA, teste de Tukey e teste t de Student, com diferenças estabelecidas em p<0,05. RESULTADOS: No peso corporal, não houve alteração nos animais CS (384±9g), no entanto reduziu (p<0,01) no grupo TUSBI (337±2g), assim como a ingestão de comida (25±1g) vs.(21±1g). Houve ainda reduções (p<0,05) nos coxins RET, PR e ING, índice de obesidade, níveis de triglicerídeos e lipoproteínas plasmáticas. A hiperinsulinemia, sem alterações da glicemia, caracterizou estado de RI confirmado pelo HOMA-IR. CONCLUSÕES: A LDC reduziu a ingestão de comida e o peso corporal, além de modificar a deposição de gordura nos depósitos RET, PR e ING em ratos, o que alterou o perfil lipoprotéico produzindo importante quadro de RI.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the implications of Dermosonic lipoclasis (DLC), i.e. lipolysis on subcutaneous white adipose tissue induced by ultrasound, for the energy metabolism and body composition of healthy rats. METHODS: Twenty four-month-old male Wistar rats weighting ±380g were randomly divided into two groups: 1) sham control (SC) and 2) low-intensity ultrasound therapy (LIUST). For 10 days, after sedation with 3 percent vaporized halothane, the animals underwent LIUST (I SATA =3MHz, 1 Wcm-2, pulsed mode 2:8ms, 30 percent cycles for 3 minutes) in the infra-abdominal and inguinal regions. Weight measurements, naso-anal length and metabolic parameters (food and water intake and excretion) were monitored during the study. At the end of the treatment, blood samples were collected for biochemical analyses. Retroperitoneal (RET), perirenal (PR), epididymal (EP) and inguinal (ING) adiposity was evaluated. HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment) was calculated to estimate insulin resistance. For statistical analyses, the Student t test, ANOVA and the Tukey test were used, and differences were established as p<0.05. RESULTS: Regarding body weight, the SC group (384±9g) did not show any changes, while the treated group (337±2g) showed reductions (p<0.01). This was also seen in relation to food intake: (25±1g) vs. (21±1g). There were also reductions (p<0.05) in the RET, PR and ING fat-pads, obesity index, triglyceride levels and plasma lipoprotein levels. Hyperinsulinemia without changes in glycemia characterized a state of insulin resistance, which was confirmed by HOMA-IR. CONCLUSIONS: DLC reduced the food intake and body weight and modified the fat deposition in the RET, PR and ING stores in rats. This changed the lipid profile to produce a significant state of insulin resistance.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 40(6): 877-884, June 2007. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-452675


We determined the effects of helium-neon (He-Ne) laser irradiation on wound healing dynamics in mice treated with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Male albino mice, 28-32 g, were randomized into 6 groups of 6 animals each: control (C), He-Ne laser (L), dexamethasone (D), D + L, celecoxib (X), and X + L. D and X were injected im at doses of 5 and 22 mg/kg, respectively, 24 h before the experiment. A 1-cm long surgical wound was made with a scalpel on the abdomens of the mice. Animals from groups L, D + L and X + L were exposed to 4 J (cm²)-1 day-1 of He-Ne laser for 12 s and were sacrificed on days 1, 2, or 3 after the procedure, when skin samples were taken for histological examination. A significant increase of collagen synthesis was observed in group L compared with C (168 ± 20 vs 63 ± 8 mm²). The basal cellularity values on day 1 were: C = 763 ± 47, L = 1116 ± 85, D = 376 ± 24, D + L = 698 ± 31, X = 453 ± 29, X + L = 639 ± 32 U/mm². These data show that application of L increases while D and X decrease the inflammatory cellularity compared with C. They also show that L restores the diminished cellularity induced by the anti-inflammatory drugs. We suggest that He-Ne laser promotes collagen formation and restores the baseline cellularity after pharmacological inhibition, indicating new perspectives for laser therapy aiming to increase the healing process when anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Animals , Male , Mice , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Low-Level Light Therapy , Pyrazoles/therapeutic use , Sulfonamides/therapeutic use , Wound Healing/radiation effects , Helium/therapeutic use , Neon/therapeutic use , Wound Healing/drug effects